Saturday, June 2, 2012

Cocoa Whipped Cream/Another Shame Pie

This one is at the request of the Lois type sister, and was discovered upon the occasion of the Mary type sister's birthday.    Mary was in that special place that causes one to blurt "chocolate with more chocolate, please God, send chocolate" in response to any direct question.

I don't really like chocolate frosting.  I don't like to make it.  And I won't touch canned frosting with a ten foot pole.   My brother in law Lance doesn't chocolate frosting, either, and that is why I am particularly proud, because he's requested this one.

So here's the basic recipe, and two ways to use it, although I can think of a good dozen and most of them aren't even obscene.

1 pint of heavy whipping cream, very cold.
1/2 cup brown sugar
dash of vanilla
1 heaping quarter cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted.
pinch of salt

Start the whipped cream with the sugar, vanilla and salt.   Beat for about 30 seconds to thoroughly incorporate.  Add sifted cocoa in two installments.  Beat until it achieves a stiff "mousse" consistency.   The beater should stand up in it.  If you're really nuts, you can add a couple tablespoons of mini chocolate chips in the last thirty seconds- they get suspended throughout the gorgeous fluff, and have an interesting texture combination.

Use #1:  Frost a cake.   It's got far less calories and carbs than traditional frosting, and it's wonderful on cake.  To soothe Mary's savage chocolate beast, I frosted the Black Magic Cake with it.   Keep this cake refrigerated, but it holds up really nicely.

Use #2:  Use it as filling for a chocolate strawberry or raspberry pie.   Take a graham cracker crust and coat it with ganache.  (Please see Sister Pie)  Press sliced strawberries or fresh raspberries into the ganache and chill for 10 minutes.   Fill the shell with the delicious Cocoa Whipped Cream, and garnish the top with more berries.

Right?  Fifteen minute pie, from start to finish.  Ignore your mother's voice in the back of your head hissing, "pie cheater!"  ...

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