Friday, June 15, 2012

Eat it Like Popcorn

It's Friday.   Hooray!

Today, I'm not going to do a recipe, I'm going to share a trick that you might already know, but if you don't, will change your life.   You'll never spend money on microwave popcorn again.

It's full of God knows what, anyway, unless you're spending big bucks on organic microwave popcorn.   This is 100% more delicious, and all you need is:

  • a brown paper lunch sack
  • popcorn

Put about a 1/3 cup (at least not more than a 1/2 cup at once) of popcorn in the sack, and tightly fold the top over in little folds; you can fold in the edges and then fold again to make the seal tighter.

Put it in your microwave, hit the popcorn button, and take it out when the popping slows- like you always do.

  1. You can top it with melted butter and salt, grated parmesan, herbs- the sky's the limit.  
  2. A tablespoon of sugar in with the popcorn will make homemade kettle corn.
  3. Ben's favorite:  grind up a whole bunch of black pepper on the butter before you melt it in microwave.   It infuses the butter.  I suggest doing this with the herbs, too, if you're going that route.   
Do you know how much cheaper this is?  You can get 40 lunch bags for $1, and a bag of popcorn is  about $3, and will make at least a dozen bags.   It's also 100% tastier, and totally oil free until you add butter or the vegan version, which you're gonna, because you're smart.


  1. Hooray!! I've been wanting to try this for a long time. I make popcorn on the stove all the time. This would be so easy:))

    1. It is that easy. I thought they were lying to me at first- surely there's a reason to sell microwave bags of popcorn with trans fats in the bottom.

      Turns out, there's not. At all. The popcorn even burns LESS this way!
